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Article: Women: How to Support Your Three Treasures

Women: How to Support Your Three Treasures

What that means for women

By Stephanie Ray, BCN

When I learned about the theory called the Three Treasures in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I was intrigued. Each of these three things contributes to the health and longevity of a human being. They are the Essence, Energy, Spirit of a person. These three things are essential for sustaining a long healthy life. For women, supporting your Three Treasures can make a big difference in your energy, liveliness, ability to become pregnant and open your pleasure centers. 



Your Essence – The First Treasure

Your Essence or Jing determines your physical and energetic attributes before you’re born. You inherit this treasure from your parents. TCM theorizes that everyone has a set amount of Jing or essence at birth. As a newborn, you had a lifetime of it added into an “energy savings account”. Your essence enters your body similar to a network of tree roots, it anchors all the energy you’ll expend in your lifetime.

For women we use some of our ‘essence savings” creating life (pregnancy), or in the act of giving birth, it is also used when we orgasm. It is the essence of creative thoughts and actions. So, when you feel that urge to rearrange the living room, your essence or jing is high.

If you take care with the foods you eat, the partying and exercise you do; and not take them to a point of excess; you will keep more Jing in your body than leak it from the body. 

Things That Drain Your Essence (Jing)

  • Lack of sleep
  • Anger / Arguments
  • Chronic Stress
  • Alcohol & drugs


    Signs Your Essence is ‘Leaking’

    • Looking older than your real age
    • Feeling tired all day
    • Trouble focusing
    • Loss of hair
    • Loss of purpose


    Your essence can be restored by eating whole foods foods and herbs, contemplating art, adding baroque music to your que, reading thoughtful books or poetry. If you practice several of these, you will cultivate and add Essence or Jing to your savings account.


    BIORAY formulas that support Essence/Jing

    Your Energy – The Second Treasure

    Human life depends on Energy or Chi (also spelled: Qi). In the classics of Chinese medicine, Chi is our Life Force Energy. It is the source of all movement in the body, it warms the body to maintain a normal temperature, it defends the body against invaders or illness, it transforms food into useful substances in the body, and it helps to hold things in their proper places. It is responsible for moving blood and body fluids.


    When a woman is having issues with their Energy (Chi) it can impact healthy

      • Response to invaders
      • Menstrual cycles
      • Sexual response
      • Moisture in the body and mouth
      • Childbirth
      • Lactation


    The organs responsible for these functions need blood and energy/chi to function with the electrical pathways, or meridians, in the body that act as communication channels. As a result, the female body’s functions are dependent upon the effects of the organs, meridians, blood and energy/chi working together.

    When the Energy/Chi is flowing women experience - The whole house is happy ;) 

    • Balanced Moods
    • Clear thinking
    • Energy
    • Active sex drive
    • 28-day menstrual cycle (for those that it applies)
    • No dryness
    • Healthy hair & fingernails 


    Energy/Chi can be supported by taking adaptogenic and adrenal supporting herbs, fermented foods, good fats, lightly cooked fruits & vegetables, taking breaks throughout the day to recenter yourself, making time to take a nap, doing relaxing activities, such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong.

    BIORAY formulas that support Qi/Chi

    Your Spirit – The Third Treasure

    The Spirit or Shen is responsible for consciousness, cognition, and our emotional life. Spirit’s integral for thinking, planning, and feeling. Shen/Spirit energy expresses differently according to different types of personality and constitution.

    When the Spirit/Shen is disturbed it impacts

      • Thinking
      • Planning
      • Emotions


    BIORAY formulas that support the Shen

  • After The Flow®
  • Loving Energy®
  • Mind Focus® or NDF Plus®

    Harmonious and spirited Shen is a major element for women having a sense of “all is well” moving through the world and having full self-expression. This relies on keeping the other two treasures nurtured, restored, and replenished.

    In Traditional Chinese medicine it is said, “Shen is the spiritual radiance that can be seen shining through a person’s eyes – a heart brimming with wisdom, forgiveness and generosity”.

    Thank you to the mothers who generously forgive and share their wisdom.